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Image of Acute Cardiac Care


Acute Cardiac Care


As the editors of this book cogently remind
us, cardiovascular disease touches the lives of
virtually everyone. Nurses are invariably at the
forefront, working in collaboration with doctors
and other health professionals, in providing acute

cardiac care, including prevention and rehabilita-
tion, to patients and their families. They have a

professional duty to ensure that the care they give
is safe and of a high quality and is informed by the
best evidence. This requires them keeping up to
date with the rapid developments in science and
technology, changes in health policy and planning
and increased expectations of the profession and
the public whom they serve: a major challenge to
busy nurses working in cardiac care settings.
Acute Cardiac Care, edited by two authorities
in the fi eld, with contributions from recognised
experts (nurses, doctors and a paramedic) from
both sides of the world, is therefore a welcome
resource that will help meet this challenge. It is

certainly a practical guide for nurses, presenting

in a highly readable way, the essential topics that per-
tain to acute cardiac care. Each chapter begins with

an overview, learning objectives and key concepts,
is interspersed with key points and concludes with
learning activities, pertinent references and resources
and suggested further reading. It deserves to be in
the library of every clinical setting where nurses care
for patients with acute cardiac conditions.

Informasi Detail

Pernyataan Tanggungjawab
Angela M. Kucia - Pengarang Utama
Tom Quinn - Pengarang Utama
Deskripsi Fisik
322 p
Dilihat sebanyak
Penerbit Macmillan Publishing : Singapore.,

Lampiran Berkas

Angela M. Kucia. (2010).Acute Cardiac Care(First).Singapore:Macmillan Publishing

Angela M. Kucia.Acute Cardiac Care(First).Singapore:Macmillan Publishing,2010.Ebook

Angela M. Kucia.Acute Cardiac Care(First).Singapore:Macmillan Publishing,2010.Ebook

Angela M. Kucia.Acute Cardiac Care(First).Singapore:Macmillan Publishing,2010.Ebook

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