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Image of Pemeriksaan MRI Untuk Persiapan Tindakan Terapi Tumor Otak Metode Stereotactic

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Pemeriksaan MRI Untuk Persiapan Tindakan Terapi Tumor Otak Metode Stereotactic


Patients with clinical brain tumors can be treated with the Stereotactic method of brain tumor therapy. MRI can be used as a single modality that serves to determine the target local point in preparation for the treatment of stereotactic brain tumors. However, the resulting MRI images must be of high quality and require consideration of a number of factors, including the selection of the sequence must be precise and appropriate (3D, low geometric distortion, and high signal-to-noise ratio). The use of non-compliant sequences, not 3D sequences, high geometric distortion and low SNR can cause inaccuracies in determining the local point of target brain tumors on stereotactic measures. Therefore, the aim of this study is to find out how MRI examinations are used to prepare stereotactic brain tumor therapy methods and identify which sequences are most appropriate to use to produce high quality images.
This type of research is a qualitative study with a Literature Study approach. Data collection methods are literature study and documentation. The type of data is secondary data obtained from Google Scholar, Scient Direct, and Microsoft Academic with the keyword stereotactic MRI Planning. The objects in this study are 3 relevant scientific journals. Data processing and analysis were carried out by making descriptions, journal summaries, and critical evaluations in tabulation and narrative form.
The result of this study is that MRI examination can be used as a single examination in preparation for brain tumor therapy in the stereotactic method with the appropriate sequences used in MRI examinations to prepare for brain tumor therapy in the stereotactic method are SWI sequences, 3D T2W SPACE, 3D T1W MPRAGE, T1 FSPGR and T2 FRFSE.

Informasi Detail

Pernyataan Tanggungjawab
M. Irwan Katili, S.Pd, M.Kes dan Siti Daryati, S. Si, M.Sc
Deskripsi Fisik
XIV + 100 hlm.; Bibl.; Ilus,; 18 cm x 29 cm
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Lampiran Berkas

ELIYAS ALVIA IMERZA PRAMESWARI. (2020).Pemeriksaan MRI Untuk Persiapan Tindakan Terapi Tumor Otak Metode Stereotactic().Semarang:PRODI DIV TEKNIK RADIOLOGI

ELIYAS ALVIA IMERZA PRAMESWARI.Pemeriksaan MRI Untuk Persiapan Tindakan Terapi Tumor Otak Metode Stereotactic().Semarang:PRODI DIV TEKNIK RADIOLOGI,2020.Skripsi D IV

ELIYAS ALVIA IMERZA PRAMESWARI.Pemeriksaan MRI Untuk Persiapan Tindakan Terapi Tumor Otak Metode Stereotactic().Semarang:PRODI DIV TEKNIK RADIOLOGI,2020.Skripsi D IV

ELIYAS ALVIA IMERZA PRAMESWARI.Pemeriksaan MRI Untuk Persiapan Tindakan Terapi Tumor Otak Metode Stereotactic().Semarang:PRODI DIV TEKNIK RADIOLOGI,2020.Skripsi D IV

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