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SWOT Analysis on JKN Implementation in Ngaliyan Health Center Semarang


The position of Health Center (Puskesmas) as a first level health facility becomes
the spearhead in good implementation of JKN (Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional or
National Health Insurance). By using SWOT Analysis in 6M dimension (Men,
Money, Method, Material, Machine, Market), it is expected to be an alternative for
Ngaliyan Health Center to improve the work performance and become a reliable
health facility for Ngaliyan citizens. And it can support the realization of totally
covered insurance in 2019. This study aims to explore the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats to the Ngaliyan Health Center in organizing JKN service
in 6M dimension (Men, Money, Method, Material, Market, Machine), to find the
critical point and make KSF (Key Success Factor). The research is qualitative descriptive
with structured in-depth interview approach. Using 15 informants selected
by purposive sampling. The results of this study obtained a critical point that is on
the dimension of money. There was a deficit between capitation and expenditure
funds of the Health Center in the implementation of JKN.

Informasi Detail

Pernyataan Tanggungjawab
Florentina Melani - Pengarang Utama
Aris Santjaka - Pengarang Tambahan
Rr.Vita Nur Latif - Pengarang Tambahan
Deskripsi Fisik
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Florentina Melani. ().SWOT Analysis on JKN Implementation in Ngaliyan Health Center Semarang().:

Florentina Melani.SWOT Analysis on JKN Implementation in Ngaliyan Health Center Semarang().:,.Artikel Dosen

Florentina Melani.SWOT Analysis on JKN Implementation in Ngaliyan Health Center Semarang().:,.Artikel Dosen

Florentina Melani.SWOT Analysis on JKN Implementation in Ngaliyan Health Center Semarang().:,.Artikel Dosen

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