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Image of prosedur radioterapi pada klinis karsinoma lidah dengan menggunakan pesawat cobalt 60 di instalasi onklogi radiasi rsup dr hasan sadikin bandung

Skripsi D IV

prosedur radioterapi pada klinis karsinoma lidah dengan menggunakan pesawat cobalt 60 di instalasi onklogi radiasi rsup dr hasan sadikin bandung


Research on procedures and analysis of radiotherapy procedures of tongue carcinoma has never been done in radiation oncology installation Dr Hasan Sadiikin Bandung so that it can be a study material for the installation of radiation oncology RSUP dr Hasan Sadikin Bandung. In clinical carcinoma of the radiation field is according to the nodules exposed to carcinoma. The radiation field used is 2 opposing lateral (left-right) fields, when the spread of carcinoma regarding the nodules is given supraclavicular irradiation field. At the time of the teratment the patient uses immobilization bite block placed in the mouth so that when the tongue irradiation remains stable. The purpose of this study was to find out the procedure, radiation analysis in the initial radiation, mid-irradiation, radiation end and reason of using 2 or 3 radiation field in radiotherapy patients with clinical carcinoma of the tongue in radiation oncology installation RSUP dr Hasan Sadikin Bandung
Type of this reasearch is quantitative research with approach case studies. Data were collected by observation, documentation, an indepth interview to oncologist, medical physicist and Physician, and Foccus Group discussion to radiation teraphy technologist on November – December 2017, data obtained from this study are then analyzed using categorization and open coding table.
The results of the research showed radiotherapy procedures in clinical carcinoma of the tongue in the installation of radiation oncology RSUP dr Hasan Sadikin Bandung after getting the irradiation schedule performed simulator, calculation of TPS, Verification, and irradiation. The initial irradiated patient analysis begins with molding, simulators, then TPS calculations, radiation verification, then first rays, in mid-rays patients monitored for control every 5x rays and monitored daily generally, always ensures balloon for tongue fixation and constriction of thermoplast mask yag has not been replaned, the end-of-radiation patient is followed up periodically and returned to the sending doctor after 2 weeks. The reason for the use of 2 or 3 radiographic fields depending on the stage of carcinoma of the tongue for the supraclavicular field is always performed if the nodule 0 objective is to prevent micrometastasis

Informasi Detail

Pernyataan Tanggungjawab
Edy Susanto, S, H, S.Si, M.Kes ; Yeti Kartikasari, S.T, M.Kes
AZMI NUR AZIZAH - Pengarang Utama
Deskripsi Fisik
xii+73 hlm.; bibl.;ilus.; 29cm.
Dilihat sebanyak
Penerbit Prodi D IV Teknik Radiologi : Polekkes Semarang.,

Lampiran Berkas

AZMI NUR AZIZAH. (2018).prosedur radioterapi pada klinis karsinoma lidah dengan menggunakan pesawat cobalt 60 di instalasi onklogi radiasi rsup dr hasan sadikin bandung().Polekkes Semarang:Prodi D IV Teknik Radiologi

AZMI NUR AZIZAH.prosedur radioterapi pada klinis karsinoma lidah dengan menggunakan pesawat cobalt 60 di instalasi onklogi radiasi rsup dr hasan sadikin bandung().Polekkes Semarang:Prodi D IV Teknik Radiologi,2018.Skripsi D IV

AZMI NUR AZIZAH.prosedur radioterapi pada klinis karsinoma lidah dengan menggunakan pesawat cobalt 60 di instalasi onklogi radiasi rsup dr hasan sadikin bandung().Polekkes Semarang:Prodi D IV Teknik Radiologi,2018.Skripsi D IV

AZMI NUR AZIZAH.prosedur radioterapi pada klinis karsinoma lidah dengan menggunakan pesawat cobalt 60 di instalasi onklogi radiasi rsup dr hasan sadikin bandung().Polekkes Semarang:Prodi D IV Teknik Radiologi,2018.Skripsi D IV

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