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Image of Comprehensive of Midwifery Care at Ny. W 30 years old in BPM Ny. S working area
Puskesmas Suruh Kabupaten Semarang

Tugas Akhir DIII

Comprehensive of Midwifery Care at Ny. W 30 years old in BPM Ny. S working area Puskesmas Suruh Kabupaten Semarang


Pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and new born babies is a normal condition, but in the
process there are the possibility of a life threatening situation the mother and baby, which
resulted in increasing the number of morbidity and mortality of mother and babies. Maternal
mortality rate (MMR) and infant mortality rate (IMR) rate in Indonesia is still high with
compared other ASEAN countries. Midwives as providers of maternal and child health services,
are required to provide a sustainable midwifery care (continuity of care).
The final report in case studies form by using obstetric management approach 7-steps of
The results of this final report obtained diagnosis G2P1A0 in 37 weeks of normal
gestation, followed by normal childbirth puerperium, followmd by normal postnatal and
followed by normal newborn.
In pregnancy didn’t found the gap between theory and practice, In the childbirth gaps
that didn’t use complete personal protective equipment and didn’t IMD at least 1 hour. In the
post-partum care of mother was found gap theory and practice like not given Fe 40 tablets. In the
newborn was found gap theory and practice that weighing of babies was not done because
limitations the writer during home visit.
The conclusion of this report is the implementation of midwifery care that there is a
gap between theory and practice of midwifery work place. There are gaps in the process
of care measures.

Informasi Detail

Pernyataan Tanggungjawab
Titi Suherni, SKM, M.Kes
Destya Putri Wulansari - Pengarang Utama
Deskripsi Fisik
132 pages+ 5 tables+ 15 appendix
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Penerbit Poltekkes Semarang : .,

Lampiran Berkas

Destya Putri Wulansari. (2016).Comprehensive of Midwifery Care at Ny. W 30 years old in BPM Ny. S working area Puskesmas Suruh Kabupaten Semarang().:Poltekkes Semarang

Destya Putri Wulansari.Comprehensive of Midwifery Care at Ny. W 30 years old in BPM Ny. S working area Puskesmas Suruh Kabupaten Semarang().:Poltekkes Semarang,2016.Tugas Akhir DIII

Destya Putri Wulansari.Comprehensive of Midwifery Care at Ny. W 30 years old in BPM Ny. S working area Puskesmas Suruh Kabupaten Semarang().:Poltekkes Semarang,2016.Tugas Akhir DIII

Destya Putri Wulansari.Comprehensive of Midwifery Care at Ny. W 30 years old in BPM Ny. S working area Puskesmas Suruh Kabupaten Semarang().:Poltekkes Semarang,2016.Tugas Akhir DIII

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