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Image of Perbedaan Pijat Oksitosin dan Kompres Hangat Payudara Terhadap Peningkatan Produksi ASI pada Ibu Post Partum di RSUD Ungaran

Skripsi D IV

Perbedaan Pijat Oksitosin dan Kompres Hangat Payudara Terhadap Peningkatan Produksi ASI pada Ibu Post Partum di RSUD Ungaran


Breast milk is baby food which have most completed nutritional composition for baby growth. The result from Riset Kesehatan Dasar (riskesdas) by the Ministry of Health nationally in 2013 showed that the percentage of breastfeeding in the last 24 hours decreased, as the baby's age increased. Based on data from RSUD Ungaran it is found that on average every month there are 16 postpartum mothers treated there and more than 50% of postpartum mothers each month experience little or no milk production the first day after giving birth. There are several ways to increase breast milk production include oxytocin massage and warm breast compresses. The research objective was know difference oxytocin massage and breast warm compress for increase breast milk production in RSUD Ungaran. The methode of research use Quasy Experiment with Pre Post Without Control Group plan. This researc had 32 responden total samples. That samples divided two group. Sampling techbique used Non Probability Sampling. Data analysis used Mann Whitney-Test. The result was Pvalue 0,000 with α = 5% (0,05). There was significant difference between oxytocin massage treatment and breast warm compress. Breasmilk postpartum production avarage day three for oxytocin massage teratment was 137,75 mL and 81,75 mL for breast warm compress. The conclusion was oxytocin treatment more effective than breast warm compress.

Informasi Detail

Pernyataan Tanggungjawab
Dra. Ns. Desak Parwati,S.Kp.,M.Kes; Iis Sriningsih,S.ST, M.Kes
Veronika Sibarani - Pengarang Utama
Deskripsi Fisik
xiv , 66 hlm. : tabel: illus.: lamp.; 28 cm
Dilihat sebanyak
Penerbit Prodi S-1 Terapan Keperawatan Smg : POLTEKES KEMENKES SEMARANG.,

Lampiran Berkas

Veronika Sibarani. (2018).Perbedaan Pijat Oksitosin dan Kompres Hangat Payudara Terhadap Peningkatan Produksi ASI pada Ibu Post Partum di RSUD Ungaran().POLTEKES KEMENKES SEMARANG:Prodi S-1 Terapan Keperawatan Smg

Veronika Sibarani.Perbedaan Pijat Oksitosin dan Kompres Hangat Payudara Terhadap Peningkatan Produksi ASI pada Ibu Post Partum di RSUD Ungaran().POLTEKES KEMENKES SEMARANG:Prodi S-1 Terapan Keperawatan Smg,2018.Skripsi D IV

Veronika Sibarani.Perbedaan Pijat Oksitosin dan Kompres Hangat Payudara Terhadap Peningkatan Produksi ASI pada Ibu Post Partum di RSUD Ungaran().POLTEKES KEMENKES SEMARANG:Prodi S-1 Terapan Keperawatan Smg,2018.Skripsi D IV

Veronika Sibarani.Perbedaan Pijat Oksitosin dan Kompres Hangat Payudara Terhadap Peningkatan Produksi ASI pada Ibu Post Partum di RSUD Ungaran().POLTEKES KEMENKES SEMARANG:Prodi S-1 Terapan Keperawatan Smg,2018.Skripsi D IV

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